2011 Ford Family

2011 Ford Family

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Treise's Birthday

We celebrated Treise's 5th Birthday, Sunday. She had so much fun and really enjoyed her party. She also had a sleepover with 3 of her friends. My sweet baby girl is now 5...WOW!!! Time flies! She is one of the most kind-hearted child, so sweet, so shy, and she's so special in her own way. We love her to million pieces. She's a great sister to her sisters and is always willing to share with others. I am a little bit sad she's growing up, but am so excited to see what opportunities will come her way.

She requested a Barbie dress cake for her birthday...knowing me, I don't have mad cake decorating skills, but I tried my best with this cake and am so happy for the outcome. It took me 5 grueling hours, hard work, and by the time the day ended, I was so tired and sore...BUT it was worth it! I just started making my own cakes last year and am suprised to see how well I'm doing...for beginners :) I'm so glad I'm able to make cakes for my girls, knowing how hard I worked and it's made with love from me. I hope they appreciate the efforts I put into those cakes when they become older ;) Here is a photo of the cake...I'm so proud of it...lol.
She loves and misses her family in Kansas, Wyoming, and Utah. She wishes you were all here...
We love and miss you all!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Busy Month...Crazy times!

I finally had the time to sit and blog about what's been happening the past few weeks. Shane and the girls are back from Post Falls! YEA!!! Lika was sooo excited to see them and got to spend time with her grandma Ford before Gma left back home. I, of course, missed my babies like crazy!

Ok, the girls went to the circus...their FIRST time...and they had so much fun! I was unable to go with them since I was with my friend who had gone into labor...the same day! I have some pictures that I will post...after I figure how to do that!!!
The girls spent all week with Grandma, played, talked, watching movies, and snuggled together. It was so good to see her and visit with her and keep updated on news that's been happening in Kansas. She left back home on the first of July. Shane and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary at the Lake Lowell with couple of friends. We had a great time and the girls enjoyed the lake. We ended it with a soak in our friends' hot tub. It was sooo relaxing...AAAHH!!!
4th of July was so much fun. We had family friends here, minus Heather who was in Colorado for her interpreting stuff. The girls enjoyed fireworks and such. Which reminds me I need to grab my copy of pictures from Heather :)

I had a Ladies Night Out at my house, hosted by a friend and I. It was SO FUN, I almost died laughing...the girls are so much fun and we just enjoyed ourselves.

Cherilyn lost her #7 tooth...I swear this girl's losing her teeth a lot quicker than I remembered ME losing mine...She just started losing her first tooth last December and has lost more. She also has a loose tooth...She has grown sooo much. She's going to be 7 years old this Sept and I am so sad...so sad my baby's growing up, but so excited for her. She's going into first grade this fall and she's looking forward to it.

Treise will be turning 5 years old this Sunday...sooo fun. She requested for me to make her a Barbie Fairy birthday cake...which will be 3-tiered...HELP! My cake decorating skills pretty much sucks, but I'm sure I will get that worked out...hopefully! Lol. She's also excited about going into Kindergarten...(that's if Luna's proposal gets turned down!!!)

Angelika is thriving. She's learning so much signs and she's so smart. She loves to give hugs, and always gives her sisters hugs when they're crying or hurt or anything. So sweeet. She's still mischevious, but it looks like she's starting to outgrow that stage...but I'm not hoping too much! :)

Life here is good. We are healthy and happy. Summer is almost over...which is mega sad for me, but I'm excited for the kids to go to school. I'm still working but am now looking for a new job, more stable, and permanent, hopefully! Shane also is still looking. He has few interviews listed...Wish us luck!

I'm tired. I have a dr appt early in the AM. I'm going to bed...after I figure out how to post pictures...LOL.
We miss our family and we are hoping to see them soon!!! Love you guys!!!